
Two of the most greatest gifts possessed by humans are the mind and the brain. Since the beginning of time, we’ve seen human with great mind/brain make a long lasting impact on the world. It’s uncommon to see people who have the ability to control these two possession. Personally, I think once you have the competence to control the mind/brain, then things should come to you easily. As always, let’s keep this short and dive in.

Once your brain starts to control your words, thoughts and action, you’ve become a living ghost. Not literally a living ghost but something close to that. When your brain decide how you should act, what you should do or say, then you are doing something wrong. Once you let your brain take control, then your life is subjected to involuntary and automatic actions and decisions. We all know when we function the most, depending on who you are. Imagine an “Early Bird” trying to make life altering decisions at night time, or a “Night Owl” trying to do the same at morning time. Bad decision right there. Although, this may sound somehow – of course it is. Because, we have to make decision about some things in a jiffy, the point here is that don’t make critical decision when you know you are not functioning right.

On the other hand, if you let your heart/mind control you and your brain, then there’s a problem. This is simple— “Your thought are just thoughts.” You let your emotion rule all the time, which will always come back to bite you in the “ass”. You might get your feelings hurt at some point, when this happen some people spazz to the extent they even catch amnesia. You know, say words they don’t mean or words that hurt – you get it.

Now to be what you want to be on a low. You need to have total control of your mind and brain. Know when to talk and when to shut up and most importantly, know when to put certain thoughts into action. Then you will see things differently. And to put it out there, this is not the scientist interpretation – look it at as a regular person thinking about the course of life.